March 17, 2010


So I went to Evans Hairstyling College today to get my hair trimmed a little bit and I had the girl who did my hair, straighten it. She asked me if I wanted it "poofed."

I basically said, "Sure, why not!?"

So she gave me a "Hill Cumorah" as we Idahoans like to refer to it. At first I was crackin' up. My head feels huge and alien-like.

Now that I've had a little time to adjust to it though, I don't mind it. But uh.. I don't think it's really up my alley. Maybe I'll try it again in 20 years, who knows?

Here's a picture to document the occasion though:


Megan Butler said...

You are a hottie.

Kendra said...

Haha, Thanks Megan!!

Ashley said...

It's really not that poofy...I think it looks super cute!

Packard Adventures said...

Kendra! I actually like it! It looks good on you. And your hair looks a little red, did you die it?

Kendra said...

No, I haven't dyed it in a long time. My roots are longer than the Mississippi. Just kidding. But they are pretty bad. Most people still don't notice them though because the color I dyed it was very similar to my real color. And I had it highlighted, so I'm sure that helps make it not as obvious!

Thanks for the compliments everyone. I still won't ever do it again though.. lol. I felt funny & Doug hated it: 2 Big reasons to avoid the poof.