March 8, 2010

Visiting Kristi, Bachelorette Party, & Bed Skirt

Last weekend, Doug and I drove down to see Kristi & Joe in Provo. We had a lot of fun. We got to just hang out, go to Ikea, and we all went to see The Princess & the Frog at the dollar theater at BYU. Kristi made us this yummy dish called "Peanut Butter Soup" So good. (I made it again since we've been home!) We also went to church with her on Sunday (Student Married Ward) and we decided that we love being around people are own age. It's a little more comfortable. So we've decided we're going to start going to our own assigned married student ward here in Rexburg instead of the family ward. It was fun to see my sister! I love Kristi & I'm glad to see that she has a cute apartment & is living a pretty good life! :)

This Saturday, I threw one of my favorite people ever (Katie), a bridal shower. I had a lot of fun, I hope she enjoyed it! I didn't take any pictures. I really meant to. I forgot to assign someone to camera duty. But anywho... we had food, we played games.. we chit-chatted. We're girls, that's what we do.

Also, I made a new bed skirt for mine & Doug's bed. I used our flat sheet that we never use and would never ever use in the future and I cut it up. I measured the length of 3 sides of our bed & then I measured the length from the bed to the floor (or like an inch or two above the floor. Then I just cut the fabric & hemmed it. After doing all that, I actually did NOT sew the pieces onto the previous bed skirt... instead I Velcro-ed them. I really like how it turned out. & I liked Velcro-ing the fabric on, because if I ever want to make another bed skirt,  I can just rip off these pieces & use them as a pattern for my next one & then Velcro the new fabric on. Genius! :)

Doug went to a Magic card tournament on Friday in Idaho Falls and he actually ended up coming in 2nd place. "That's my nerdy boy!" I always tell Doug, that if he's going to be a nerd, he better be the best nerd there is! In his world, he should be the coolest. All the other nerds should want to be him, because I don't want him to be the  kind of  nerd that all the other nerds make fun of! :) I'm proud of him for doing so well & he's always happy when he comes home from playing at a tournament, so that's a plus!