April 18, 2011


So Doug and I made it through our first semester going to school together! It was a little crazy for a few weeks, but we both made it through and did great in our classes!

I've had a week off and now the Spring Semester starts tomorrow. Doug won't be in school during the summer, so it'll be a little easier on our relationship. :) I have a feeling he is going to get verrrry bored though. Which means I'll probably be eating a lot of homemade bread for the next few months. haha. (Doug likes to bake when he's bored.) Actually, Doug's goal this semester is to work on and complete his portfolio and hunt for internships. So if he's serious about doing that, he'll actually be pretty busy this summer.

In addition to school, I'm helping my boss, Jen, plan her wedding in August. I'm having so much fun working out the details with her. I love planning weddings.

Also, as an update, I got my hair cut on Friday. I'm pretty sure Doug hates it, but I like it, so that's that. My hair goes down to my collar bone, has a few layers, and I got full on bangs, no more side-swept. I'll post a picture...eventually.

1 comment:

Packard Adventures said...

Good!Good! Glad it went well, now come visit me!!