December 6, 2010

Another round of confessions

#1 Cleaning commercials really bug me because when they wipe a spill off the counter, they NEVER clean it all away. If you're going to show the product cleaning the counter, then clean the counter!

#2 A single, male college student used my bathroom the other night and left the toilet seat up. I was actually really shocked to see the toilet that way. Doug never leaves the seat up. I don't even know if he ever even lifts it up that's how good he is. lol

#3 Yesterday I listened to "Oh Santa" by Mariah Carey AT LEAST 10 times. and I plan on doing it again today. (I love that song)


Unknown said...

Aren't you glad I taught my boys to put the seat down when they were young? What good kids!

Kendra said...

Yes! Very!