November 17, 2010


I've seen these on a few other people's blogs and they're so funny, I'd thought I'd try it out! :)

#1 I remember the jingle from the scruff mcgruff commercials
      "Scruff Mcgruff, Chicago, IL 60652"
#2 Just a couple years ago I sent a letter to the scruff mcgruff address to try to get some of their comics but nothing came of it.. they must've moved
#3 I'm turning into my mom, and I love it. (Small example: I spill something on my shirt EVERY meal)
#4 Sometimes I forget to eat.
#5 This morning when I woke up I thought it was Friday.
#6 I don't like eating crunchy things I usually avoid chips because they're too crunchy.
#7 I haven't worked at Gandolfo's for over a year but still, when I see someone on the street, I can remember that they came into Gandolfo's, what they're spouse looked like, and what they ordered.
#8 I wear the same pants to work everyday and only wash them once a week.
#9 I love the Real Housewives shows.
#10 Even though I dislike Rexburg more than any other place in the world, I don't want to leave until I have my Bachelor's degree. (which won't be for AT LEAST another two years!)

1 comment:

Packard Adventures said...

I didn't know you don't like crunchy things. That's weired! But I love you. Love your confessions!