January 30, 2014

7 months!

Ben is 7 months old! (Well technically, he's 7 1/2 now...) This 7th month has been an eventful one for Ben.

  • He moved away from the only home he's ever known. 
  • He had his pacifier taken away (again!)
  • He now has only 1 bottle a day - the rest is oatmeal and other baby food (and man, does he pack it away!)
  • He reaches up when he sees mommy or daddy
  • He can sit up and grab his toes (but only for a little bit then he topples over)
  • He sleeps through the night, and when he wakes up, he can put himself back to sleep
  • He likes to Skype his Grandparents
  • He LOVES to bounce in his bouncer! He is a bouncing machine!!
  • He rolls all around - he can be all over the place when he wants to be, but for the most part he still stays in one place and chews on his toys
  • He met his future wife - a Tongan YSA in our ward at church with long, pretty hair who smiles at him a lot. :)
  • and he went down a slide with Dad for the first time!

(My adorable blue teddy bear!)

Ben loves sucking on his fingers. And he loves sticking his fingers in Mom's mouth, so that I can taste how delicious they are, too. (6/10 - would taste again)

This little boy is such a happy boy. It is so easy to get a giggle out of him. It is not always an easy job, but it is an honor to get to be the mother of this sweet little one.

How can you not love that adorable face!?

Oh yeah - and since we're talking about milestones I guess you're wondering how much this chubster weighs nowadays. Well.... 

Height: ~27 inches
Weight: ~19.6 lbs (Yes, my kid is a fatty mcfatterson, but we wears it all in his double chin.)

(I had to include this picture - because these two are pretty much best friends. Ben cracks up when the Dog is around, and Owen always gets a slobbery, wet, regurgitated snack when he hangs out near Ben. Plus, Owen is our first born and this picture is just too cute to leave out!)


Anonymous said...

Cray cray adorbs! -auntie k

Packard Adventures said...

Love him!!! He is getting so big and cuter very day! Stop it!

Anne Hill said...

he's just soooo cute!

Momma of Five said...

ADorable!!! Love that little boy